Connective Ecologies: Digital Animism, Computerized Ecology, and Matter in a Network
This paper aims to address the processes of digitalization of territories, geographies and other communicative forms of dwelling. We take into account connective ecologies, which reveal the contemporary informational ecologies, digital animism, and the process of transformation of matter (transubstantiation). A field methodology is used through participant observation. The conclusion shows communicational possibilities that escape the traditional western models.
E-learning success determinants: Brazilian empirical study.
E-learning is a web-based learning ecosystem for the dissemination of information, communication, and knowledge for education and training. Understanding the impact of e-learning on society, as well as its benefits, is important to link e-learning systems to their success drivers. The aim of this study is to find the determinants of user perceived satisfaction, use, and individual impact of e-learning. This study proposes a theoretical model integrating theories of information systems' satisfaction and success in the e-learning systems. The model was empirically validated in higher education institutions and university centers in Brazil through a quantitative method of structural equation modeling. Collaboration quality, information quality, and user perceived satisfaction explain e-learning use. The drivers of user perceived satisfaction are information quality, system quality, instructor attitude toward e-learning, diversity in assessment, and learner perceived interaction with others. System quality, use, and user perceived satisfaction explain individual impact.
Being networks: the digital formism of net-activist movements
For the last few years online social movements have spread through several latitudes creating important theoretical challenges for several areas of knowledge, concerning the nature of such actions, given the connective and technological quality of its acts as well as concerning the creation of a new kind of locality, simultaneously informative and material expression of an unprecedented dwelling condition that brings humans together, informative circuits and territorialities. Finally, the necessity that imposes rethinking the composition of human collectives beyond the perspective of modern sociology, since it presents itself as expression of a reticular interactive ecology that is no longer political, that is, anthropomorphic and ideologically oriented.